
Shaping Tomorrow: Highlights from the 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit

The 2023 G20 New Delhi summit which was the eighteenth meeting of the G20, held in Bharat Madanpam International Exhibition – Centre, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi on 9th to 10th of september.

As the G20 summit’s main agenda was to broaden the horizons of economic development and discuss on topics from economic and finance and numerous sectors involving sustainable development, debt relief and multinational cooperation taxation. Furthermore, the discussions would procure signs of offering loans to developing nations from multilateral institutions.

The Indian delegation presented a comprehensive agenda comprising items such as Digital Public Architecture, Virtual Digital Assets, Climate Finance for Developing Nations, Reform of Development Banks, Urban Infrastructure Reform, and numerous other topics.

India and Brazil also issued disappointment regarding immobility in inter-governmental negotiations on reforming the United Nations(UN) Security Council, the two countries pushed for reformations to bring about a revamp and expansion of the council. With expansion of the council procures an increase in representation of developing nations.

Narendra Modi and Lula da Silva, as part of their economic partnership, mutually committed to collaborating on the enhancement of the India-MERCOSUR Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) while Brazil held the MERCOSUR Presidency. They pledged their complete support and this initiated the partnership.

In conclusion, the G20 summit, under the theme of “One Earth, One Family, One Future”, major issues such as food security, climate and energy development and health were discussed. The discussion of the panel has always been to bring about changes that will benefit mankind as a whole and to work for a better future.