
Prominent Figure Endorses Sportwashing as long as it increases GDP

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia recently expressed a sentiment of not caring when an accusation of sport washing was made to him. He further states that if sportwashing was going to increase his GDP by 1 percent, the practice shall be continued. The involvement of the government and other state sectors in various sporting events only furnishes the accusations that these sport events are used to clean the nation’s global reputations.

Prince Mohammed has granted only a limited number of interviews to Western media, especially after the 2018 incident in which Saudi agents, according to U.S. intelligence, were likely given approval by the prince for the operation that resulted in the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi dissident and Washington Post columnist. The prince has consistently denied any involvement in this matter.

The prince’s extensive social reforms have brought about a significant transformation in the kingdom. It has shifted from being a conservative state governed by a strict Islamic law to an emerging hub for entertainment. Billions of dollars have been invested in various ventures, including acquiring top football stars, hosting golf tournaments, and entering the world of video games.

However, the prince has displayed even less tolerance for dissent meted out to the state. Saudis who voice opposition to his policies may encounter lengthy prison terms or, in some cases, even the death penalty. This strict approach has also extended to Saudi individuals residing in the United States.